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Welcome to C-Corp, Incorporated


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C-Corp, Inc.

865.947.9231 ext 23


Our Mission

We are a healthcare informatics company serving the healthcare industry in information systems and information technology utilization and management since 1983.  Our mission is to advance your mission, providing unparalleled patient care, by making medical and other patient-centric information available where and when it is needed over the entire continuum of care delivery.

Our Practice

Our practice focuses on five overlapping areas of inpatient or outpatient care.

  • the electronic medical record (EMR, EHR)
  • the business of documenting, charging and collecting fee-for-service procedures
  • interface creation and management - allowing systems "within the walls" such as RIS or LIS to "talk" to the HIS or PMS, and the coming challenges of communicating with the personal health record (PHR)
  • computer software to address workflow issues unique to your organization
  • project leadership needed for successful completion of healthcare projects such as deploying an EMR.

Allow us to show you how dynamic, highly focused, and results driven professionals can collaborate with your team and add value to your mission - providing the best healthcare possible.

Contact Information

865 947.9231
Postal address
2907 West Beaver Creek Drive, Powell, TN 37849
Electronic mail
General Information: info@c-corp.com


Copyright © 2009 C-Corp, Incorporated